Month: March 2022


Today we learnt what STEM was. stem stands for science/technology/engineering/maths. We made our catapults out of  7 pop sickle  sticks and 5 rubber bands. We fired our projectile 3 times and measured the distances of how far it went. On the first round  our catapult  went   3,70 metres, 2nd round   it was 2,76 metres, and 3rd round was 2.84 metres. Thank you for visiting my blog please leave a positive commit.

Response to Text: St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick’s Day

Please read the article on St Patrick’s Day here before answering the questions.


1) When is St Patrick’s Day celebrated?

  1. a) 16th March b) 17th March
  2. c) 18th March                                d) 19th March


2) Which of the following was not how St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated?

  1. a) Formal     b) Fun
  2. c) Religious d) Traditional


3) Where was St Patrick originally from?

  1. a) Britain b) Ireland
  2. c) France d) Italy


4) Why do you think St Patrick’s Day was such a religious event?

→because ST Patrick brought christiantiy  


5) In which ways has St. Patrick’s Day changed over time?

→it used to beatradeigona religious and formal event but now it’s a celebrated holiday 


6) Leprechauns and four-leaf clovers are a symbol of Britain.

  1. a) True                         b) False


7) Why is Green such a symbolic colour in Ireland?

→stories about green being protected. 


8) True or false: St. Patricks used to teach with a four-leaf clover or shamrock in his hand.

  1. a) True                     b) False


9) Why do you think people say that St. Patrick’s got rid of all of the snakes in Ireland?

           → because there were no animals or creatures in ireland so people believed the story. 


One day i was at school with my friends and suddenly a thunderstorm strike 

The roof of my literacy class and the whole building collapsed and and then everybody

Was hurt. Then when the thunderstorm was over we called the ambulance 

To see if the people that were ok then i didn’t fill ok so i went home and it was like  

12.00pm so i went to bed and the next morning i fill down a hill and smacked into a pole

And I thought I would die but i didier. I didn’t even get a scratch on mr but u just thought that god just thank me so I just keeped waking on and then i was thinking in my head that maybe it was god maybe it was the lighting that hit me so even that it,s a whenked i went back to see if there was entering in the area and then i saw a big ship above me and there was aliens and they said 3 words they said you have immortality.


All About Me

My name is Logan and I am a student in room 8 at Point England School.

My favourite thing to learn about at school is reading and my favourite thing is reading because it tells you a lot of new words. I enjoy playing hoops and my favourite sport is soccer and I play it for fun. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters and I am the youngest. My favourite thing to eat is butter chicken

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